1. Dental implants
  2. Types of dental implants
  3. Subperiosteal implants

The Basics of Subperiosteal Implants for Dental Health

Learn about subperiosteal implants and how they can improve your dental health.

The Basics of Subperiosteal Implants for Dental Health

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants are often the top choice for many patients. These small titanium posts are surgically placed in the jawbone and act as a sturdy foundation for artificial teeth such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. While traditional dental implants are the most commonly known type, there are other options available, including subperiosteal implants. Subperiosteal implants are a type of dental implant that is placed under the gum tissue but above the jawbone. This type of implant is typically used for patients who do not have enough bone density to support traditional implants or those who do not want to undergo a bone grafting procedure. In this article, we will delve into the basics of subperiosteal implants and how they can improve your dental health.

Whether you are missing one tooth or multiple teeth, subperiosteal implants may be a viable solution for you. Join us as we explore the benefits, risks, and procedure of subperiosteal implants in this comprehensive guide. Subperiosteal implants are a type of dental implant that is placed under the gum tissue and above the jawbone. They are typically made of a metal framework that is customized to fit your jawbone. This type of implant is a great option for those who do not have enough bone structure to support traditional dental implants. It is also a less invasive option compared to bone grafting procedures.

Subperiosteal implants are a great solution for individuals who are missing teeth but do not have enough bone structure to support other types of dental implants. This can be due to factors such as age, genetics, or previous dental procedures. With subperiosteal implants, the metal framework is placed on top of the jawbone and under the gum tissue, creating a stable base for the replacement tooth. This eliminates the need for bone grafting, which can be a lengthy and invasive procedure.

Subperiosteal implants also have a high success rate, making them a reliable option for restoring missing teeth. The metal framework used in subperiosteal implants is customized to fit each individual's jawbone, ensuring a perfect fit and comfortable placement. This customization also allows for a secure hold and prevents any movement or slippage of the implant. Another benefit of subperiosteal implants is that they can be used to replace multiple missing teeth at once, making them a time-efficient and cost-effective solution.

This type of implant can also help prevent further bone loss, as it stimulates the jawbone and promotes healthy bone growth. It also helps maintain facial structure, preventing the sunken appearance that can occur with missing teeth. Overall, subperiosteal implants offer numerous benefits for individuals looking to restore their smile and improve their overall dental health. If you are considering dental implants but do not have enough bone structure to support traditional implants, be sure to ask your dentist about subperiosteal implants as a potential option.

With their high success rate and customizable design, subperiosteal implants may be the perfect solution for your missing teeth. Welcome to our comprehensive guide on subperiosteal implants, and we hope this article has provided valuable information on this type of dental implant and how it can benefit your dental health.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Subperiosteal Implants?

To determine if subperiosteal implants are a good option for you, it's important to understand who is a good candidate for this type of implant. Subperiosteal implants are typically recommended for individuals who have lost a significant amount of bone in their jaw, making them unable to support traditional implants. This may be due to advanced gum disease, trauma, or other factors. For these individuals, subperiosteal implants provide a stable and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. One example of a successful case with subperiosteal implants is Mary, who had been struggling with severe gum disease for years.

Despite her best efforts to maintain her oral health, she eventually lost several teeth and was left with significant bone loss in her jaw. After consulting with her dentist, Mary opted for subperiosteal implants and has been thrilled with the results. She now has a fully restored smile and improved overall dental health. Another example is John, who was involved in a car accident that resulted in the loss of multiple teeth and severe damage to his jawbone. Traditional implants were not an option for him due to the extent of his bone loss.

However, subperiosteal implants provided a successful alternative and have greatly improved John's ability to eat and speak comfortably.

How Is the Procedure for Subperiosteal Implants Performed?

Subperiosteal implants are a type of dental implant that is placed beneath the gum and on top of the jawbone. This procedure is typically recommended for patients who have a shallow jawbone or have experienced bone loss in their jaw due to missing teeth. The process for subperiosteal implants involves several steps and can take several months to complete. The first step is a thorough examination and assessment by your dentist to determine if you are a good candidate for this type of implant. This includes evaluating the condition of your gums, jawbone, and overall dental health. If you are deemed a good candidate, the next step is creating a custom-made implant specifically designed for your jawbone.

This is typically done using a 3D scan or mold of your mouth to ensure a precise fit. The implant is then fabricated in a dental laboratory. Once the implant is ready, the surgical procedure can begin. Your dentist will make an incision in your gum to expose the jawbone and create space for the implant. The implant is then carefully placed onto the bone and secured in place with small screws. After the implant is securely in place, your gums will be sutured back together and the healing process begins.

It may take several weeks for the implant to fuse with the jawbone, during which time you may be given a temporary crown or bridge to wear. Once the implant has fully fused with the jawbone, a final impression will be taken to create a permanent crown or bridge that will be attached to the implant. This final step completes the process and gives you a fully functional and natural-looking tooth.

What Are the Benefits of Subperiosteal Implants?

Subperiosteal implants are a type of dental implant that is placed under the gum tissue and on top of the jawbone. They are a great option for those who have lost a significant amount of bone in their jaw and are unable to support traditional implants. But what makes subperiosteal implants so beneficial? Let's take a closer look.

1.No Need for Bone Grafting

One of the biggest benefits of subperiosteal implants is that they do not require bone grafting.

Traditional implants need a certain amount of bone in order to be successfully placed, but with subperiosteal implants, the implant is placed on top of the jawbone, eliminating the need for bone grafting.

2.Quick and Easy Placement

Compared to traditional implants, subperiosteal implants are quicker and easier to place. This is because they do not require any surgery or drilling into the jawbone. Instead, they are placed under the gum tissue and simply rest on top of the jawbone.

3.Suitable for Those with Jawbone Loss

As mentioned, subperiosteal implants are a great option for those who have experienced significant jawbone loss. This is because they do not rely on the jawbone for support, making them a suitable choice for individuals with weaker jawbones.

4.Improved Stability

Due to their unique placement, subperiosteal implants offer improved stability compared to traditional implants.

This is because they are placed on top of the jawbone and can distribute pressure more evenly, resulting in better support for your replacement teeth.

In conclusion

, subperiosteal implants offer a great alternative for those who are not suitable candidates for traditional dental implants. They can improve your dental health and give you a confident smile. If you're interested in this type of implant, consult with your dentist to see if it's the right option for you.

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